097 Princess in a Box 1 (US) / Maiden's Escape (UK)

Climb the stairs at the back
(must have solved Puzzle 096)

Check out the hole at the bottom right of the left wall
for a hint coin

Investigate the candle for the Natural Cologne Charm
(Mobile HD version only)

Examine the lock on the bars at the top right

Puzzle 097

Hint 1

Hint 2

Hint 3


See the Step By Step Solution

Step By Step Solution

Move the top green block to the right of the purple block right

Move the green block to the right of the purple block right

Move the purple block right

Move the bottom left green block up

Move the green block under the purple block left and up

Move the bottom blue block right

Move the red block down

Move the top green block to the left of the purple block left

Move the green block to the right of the red block up and left

Move the green block to the right of the top blue block
down one space

Move the green block above the purple block left

Move the purple block up

Move the bottom blue block up

Move the bottom right green block left one space

Move the green block to the right of the bottom blue block down

Move the bottom blue block right

Move the red block right

Move the leftmost green block down

Move the left green block above the red block left and down

Move the left blue block down

Move the top green block to the left of the purple block left

Move green block above the red block up and left

Move the purple block left

Move the green block above the right blue block left and up

Move the right blue block up

Move the green block to the right of the red block up and right

Move the red block right

Move the green block below the left blue block right and down

Move the left blue block down

Move the green block to the left of the purple block down and left

Move the purple block left

Move the left green block above the right blue block left and down

Move the top right green block left

Move the right blue block up

Move the green block above the red block right

Move the red block up

Move the bottom right green block left

Move the bottom green block to the right of the red block
down and left

Move the rightmost green block down

Move the red block to the exit


3965 Picarats and 195 Hint Coins (US)
3995 Picarats and 195 Hint Coins (UK)

096 Take the Stairs (US)
096 On the Stairs (UK)