Leave Prosciutto's through the door on the right
Walk up
Look at the tiles on the leftmost roof
for a hint coin
Investigate the tree for the Lunar Lapis Charm
(Mobile HD version only)
Go left
(must have talked to Gerard after talking to Zappone)
Puzzle 070
Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3
See the Step By Step Solution
Step By Step Solution
Place the top right piece with the half gold ring
at the top left of the vase
Place the left piece with the half gold ring
at the top right of the vase
Place the bottom right piece with the gold base
at the bottom left of the vase
Place the bottom piece with the gold base
at the bottom right of the vase
Place the top left piece with the smooth left edge
above the bottom left of the vase
Place the rightmost piece with the smooth right edge
above the bottom right of the vase
Place the bottom left jagged piece
below the neck of the vase
Place the top left jagged piece
in the middle of the vase
2435 Picarats and 122 Hint Coins (US)
2465 Picarats and 122 Hint Coins (UK)
Walk up
Look at the tiles on the leftmost roof
for a hint coin
Investigate the tree for the Lunar Lapis Charm
(Mobile HD version only)
Go left
(must have talked to Gerard after talking to Zappone)
Puzzle 070
Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3
See the Step By Step Solution
Step By Step Solution
Place the top right piece with the half gold ring
at the top left of the vase
Place the left piece with the half gold ring
at the top right of the vase
Place the bottom right piece with the gold base
at the bottom left of the vase
Place the bottom piece with the gold base
at the bottom right of the vase
Place the top left piece with the smooth left edge
above the bottom left of the vase
Place the rightmost piece with the smooth right edge
above the bottom right of the vase
Place the bottom left jagged piece
below the neck of the vase
Place the top left jagged piece
in the middle of the vase
2435 Picarats and 122 Hint Coins (US)
2465 Picarats and 122 Hint Coins (UK)
069 Chocolate Puzzle