088 In a Hole (US)

Go right

Journal Entry
The Lost Amusement Park

Look at the bridge leading out to the shed,
the water above where the left shore juts out,
the second from right clump of plants on the right shore
and the bottom half of the trash bin for hint coins

Investigate the chimney for the Bygone Bubble Bottle Charm
(Mobile HD version only)

If you haven't already collected this charm and the scene
looks different, you can see where to find the charm here

Walk down

Pick up the scrap of paper from the ground

Check out the blue roof on the shack,
the trash bin to the right of the shack,
the grass to the left of the tree trunk on the right
and the chimney on the shack for hint coins

Investigate above the door for the Cutsie Cupcake Charm
(Mobile HD version only)

Talk to Sylvain

Puzzle 088

Hint 1

Hint 2

Hint 3


You need Water to get the ball out

Give the Violin to Luke


3455 Picarats and 177 Hint Coins

087 Ferris Wheel Riddle